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Why is Google Ads That Good?

Adwords is faster than SEO
The main advantage of Google AdWords is that it operates quicker than SEO. Both SEO and Google AdWords are search engine marketing strategies designed to generate more traffic and leads. But a well-optimized AdWords campaign can operate much quicker for a company to get the much-loved first place in search.
Increase Brand Awareness
In addition to boosting traffic, clicks and conversions, Google AdWords is also an effective way to tell individuals about your brand. To verify this, Google has partnered with Ipsos to conduct a study across 12 vertical lines, from automotive to retail. Search advertisements have been found to raise top-of-mind awareness by an average of 6.6 per cent.
Reconnect Visitors of Your Website
Reconnecting with your website visitors is one of the coolest benefits of Google AdWords. Let me elaborate on that. You may have window shoppers on your website. These are individuals who have visited all the websites on your website but have not taken any action. How are you going to remind them of you and what you could do for them? Enter Display Marketing and Search Campaigns.
Tackle Your Competition Better
From the point of view of a search engine, the links to a web page are something like website votes. The quality and weight of these votes are evaluated on the basis of the power and significance of the linked websites.

How Google Ads Help Improve the Business?

Google Ads is the New Booming Platform for All Businesses

Google advertising is the strongest sector in advertising. It grows 10% every year. It opens the world’s largest database just in front of you. It gives your advertising campaigns the widest reach possible to the consumer. This enables you to generate leads, increase your brand awareness and thereby promote your business to the next level. With a search engine market share of over 95%, Google search ads provide a very powerful way to reach high-intention customers (people on the verge of a purchase decision) with the right message at the right time.


Google search ads campaigns targeting the right keywords so you can capture potential customers as they search on Google for your product/service. Whether you’re looking to bring in new website visitors, grow online sales, get the phones ringing or keep customers coming back for more, Google AdWords can help. Your business gets found by people on Google precisely when they’re searching for the things that you offer.


Only after a thorough status quo assessment can any kind of appreciation or evolution in company procedures be launched. As a Specialist SEO agency malaysia for many years, Nichestudio is unique in its position to assist you incorporate Google Analytics and Tag Managers into your current internet infrastructure, analyze your traffic from distinct perspectives, and produce meaningful reports that can guide your digital marketing attempts.


Not all SEO actions deliver positive results. Some of them can cause Google to deem as unethical and penalize you. Some others, like unfavourable backlinks to your website, can pull your website down in the search rankings. We can help you recoup your rankings by auditing and removing damaging backlinks and implementing measures that help you recover from Google’s penalties.

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